Welcome & Navigation

“I should like to be famous and unknown.”
– Edgar Degas –

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
– E.L. Doctorow –

Welcome to the new and improved version of the Mad Queen’s Archive formerly known as Kaleidoscope Dreams another one of my, that being mitsuki0tennyo’s fanfiction blogs in case you didn’t know and stumbled here upon accident. As the title indicates this an archive where you can find a collection of my all fanfiction in contrast to my livejournal and fanfiction.net accounts. If your a first time visitor make sure you read the ground rules, navigation and FAQ posts. You’ll find a complete list of my stories and their summaries here. If you know what you’re looking for be either a certain story or a fandom, just navigate using either the tabs located above or the ‘Archive’ section on the sidebar if you are on the home page.

This website contains material that is suitable for mature audience only! These posts and pages may contain material of a graphic nature that others may find offensive or explicit. If you are under the age of 18 and such writings are considered either illegal or offensive to you, well you have been warned so please thread carefully. I will not be held accountable for anyone who falls upon any of the material on this site.

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Site! Future Stories and Ideas

I’ve added Future Stories and Ideas to the archive, and it is closely connected to the Story Excerpts, so readers can get a idea of what my works for the future will be. I have always had an active imagination, which works 24/7 non-stop, so lots of ideas will be added to this section over time. As some of of my ideas are never written or never make it past the drabble stage. And while some do, even if it is years later and some stories are for my and my friends’ eyes only.

Site! Story Excerpts

What you can expect about the Story Excerpts page, well on this page you can find summaries as well as links of excerpts of my future fanfics which are posted on my blogspot or/and livejournal. Unlike most parts of the archive it isn’t ordered on fandom, genre or story type but rather it’s alphabetical. So you will have to search if you want a link to certain preview. This my way to share my ideas for future stories with my readers and is connected to Future Stories and Ideas.


As this blog was created as archive where people can read all my fanfiction opposed to to my fanfiction.net account which lacks my M-rated stories which tend to contain explicit adult content. It’s easier to get around then my livejournal, where you can also find my original fiction, drabbles, whips and scrap, previews and sneak previews as well as everything that goes with my stories such as inspiration for titles, fashion, story lines and so on.

Just about 75% of my stories contains mature themes, especially what you will find here as upload the explicit version of stories here. For the not normal, non-explicit versions of my fanfics which obey the rules of Fanfiction.net, go here. I but still make sure you read the warnings for my stories and their chapters and don’t forget I upload my stories here and on my lj before anywhere else. Please make sure you read my terminology concerning fanfiction ratings and terms especially if you want request fanfiction.

Stories are organized fandom with three sub-categories: Series, Oneshots, and Stories, multichapters.

❖ Series are set of two or more stories that are connected, and that can be seen either as a single work or as a set of individual works.

❖ A oneshots is a story that is a pilot or a stand-alone story created as a single issue. Anthologies are also found here.

❖ Stories, multichapters are standard kind of fanfiction.