Multichapter Stories

Title: Chains of Heaven
Series: Fairy Tail
Rated: M
Genre: General, Drama, Friendship, Family, Humor, Action, Adventure, Romance
Status: Incomplete
Chapters: 0
Writing: Prologue
Warning(s): This story contains mature themes like sex, violence and adult language.
Summary: Sometimes a simple choice can change the world.
Comments: A novel sized story about how the timeline could have changed if some characters has made different decisions starting with Ultear reuniting with her mother even when Ur has taken Lyon and Gray as her students. To make a long story short this changes the lives of everyone one as Ultear never becomes a member Grimoire Heart and while Ur still sacrifices herself to seal Deliora… Gray and Ultear (who on request of mother looks after Gray and becomes somewhat of a mother/sister figure over the years) somehow end up at Fairy Tail. This however also changes the lives Tower of Heaven slaves such Erza, Jellal and co. with the prime example is that Jellal isn’t taken over by the “Spirit of Zeref” and that the rebellion is brutally slammed down by the cult that has enslaved them. Years later however a uprising is successful and the Tower of Heaven becomes a Guild called Crime Sorcière.

♟ Chains of Heaven

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