Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball Pact

This pact is meant to hold together the remaining fans of Dragon Ball/Z/GT. Whether you like the FUNimation dub or the Ocean dub, whether you like the manga or the anime, whether you say ‘Saiyan’ or ‘Saiyajin’, we must stand strong and united, for we are the last of our dying race. And all those who are true fans, post this up on your page, forever proclaiming your Dragon Ball heritage. Be proud, for you are a true Saiyan!

Title: All Because of a Golden Cloud
Author: mitsuki0tennyo (Mitsukino Tennyo)
Dragon Ball
Pairing: Some Bulma x Vegeta
Rating: T
Genre(s): General, Humor, Family
Warning(s): None
Summary: Three shot about how Trunks learned how to fly
Comments: Simply because I wondered why (Chibi) Trunks could fly before Goten could. Then I remembered Kinto’un… and be truthful no way Trunks would be able ride it.

★ All Because of a Golden Cloud

Title: All that was left unsaid
Author: mitsuki0tennyo (Mitsukino Tennyo)
Dragon Ball
Pairing: Mostly Canon Pairings
Rating: T
Genre(s): General, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warning(s): None
Summary: A oneshot anthology that addresses a series of issues that are left unsaid in Dragon Ball, well at least in my opinion.
Comments: I do acknowledge Dragon Ball GT… in a certain way but lets just pretend it didn’t happen for this story.

★ All that was left unsaid

Title: Hidden Currents (working title)
mitsuki0tennyo (Mitsukino Tennyo) and Selene
Dragon Ball
Pairing: Includes
Rating: T
Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Family
Warning: S
Summary: They
Comments:  This collaboration between myself and my friend Selene

★ Hidden Currents

Title: Lavender and Old Lace
Author: mitsuki0tennyo (Mitsukino Tennyo)
Dragon Ball
Pairing: Canon Pairings
Rating: M
Genre(s): General, Family, Friendship, Angst, Drama
Warning(s): None
Summary: Earth
Comments: A

★ Lavender and Old Lace

Title: Moonrise Kingdom
mitsuki0tennyo (Mitsukino Tennyo) and Selene
Dragon Ball
Pairing: Bulma x Vegeta, Chichi x Kakarot (Goku)
Rating: OT (or M-15, Adult content is marked with a M)
Genre(s): General, Action, Friendship, Angst, Humor
Warning: Violence, language
Summary: Coming soon
Comments: This collaboration between myself and my friend Selene

★ Moonrise Kingdom

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