◉ Timelines

Somewhere a Clock is Ticking

“It is all a matter of time scale. An event that would be unthinkable in a hundred years may be inevitable in a hundred million.”
– Carl Sagan, Cosmos –

Because Love Like winter is a series of non-chronological oneshots, it can be hard to place chapters in certain order so created several timelines from basic to detailed to help my readers figure out the story. Most of the Daybreak universe was outlined while the Shinobi World War arc was playing in the manga, For simplicity’s sake pretend everything after chapter 500-some might or might not happen in LLW. I will try to make this story as canon-compliant as possible, but somethings just don’t fit the plot.

Chapter Timelines

Basic Timeline
A basic timeline without any spoilers

❦ Detailed Timeline
A detailed timeline that includes spoilers for future chapters

Graphic Timelime 
Illustrated Timeline

Other Timelines

Pregnancy Timeline 
A etailed timeline focusing on Sakura’s pregnancy

Relationship Timeline 
A aditional timeline which focusses on Sasuke and Sakura’s relationship

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