Dragon Children

I tell you, I tell you
The Dragonborn comes
With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art
Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes
– The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Dragonborn comes –

Title: Dragon Children
mitsuki0tennyo (Mitsukino Tennyo)
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Gajeel x Levy, Natsu x Lucy, Rogue x Wendy, Sting x Yukino
Rating: T although ratings differ per chapter (Mature content is marked with a M)
Warnings: Violence, Language Drug Use (in the form of Alcohol consumption)
Genre: Friendship, Romance General, Romance
Disclaimer: Fairy Tail belongs too Hiro Mashima, Weekly Shōnen Magazine, Kodansha, A-1 Pictures and Satelight.
Summary: Coming Soon

This entire story is one of my FT head canon, it’s all based on a theory I’ve come up with ever since I read about Acnologia’s past as a dragon slayer who turned into a dragon. Which turned into what if all Dragons were Dragon Slayers  (The first &  third generation), it’s the magic (Dragon Slaying Magic) they use that causes them to slowly transform into dragons. So in this fic Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting and Rogue are all the biological children of their respective foster parents, even if they don’t know this as children.

As this story lacks a chronological timeline which I admit can be confusing at times, each chapter has it’s own summary from which guess their ages a bit. Also this story has no Tenrou Island Timeskip, which makes Sting, Rogue and Wendy around same age give or take a year or two.

Table of Content

  • Act I – Air and Shadows

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