About the Writer

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
– Lao Tzu –

Username: mitsuki0tennyo (aka Mitsukino Tennyo)
Nicknames: Mitsukino, Mitsuki, Miko, Tsuki, Mitsu, Miki, Tennyo, Ten, Nyo
Date of Birth: February 28th. Star-Sign: Pisces
Ruling Element: Water. Ruling Planet: Neptune, Jupiter (Co-ruler)
Birth Stone: Amethyst. Guardian Spirit: Merpeople/Merfolk (Mermaids) and Undines.
Bloodtype: B Negative
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: depends how dye it, it’s my natural color at the moment although I’m think about dying part of my hair blue
Likes: Reading, Writing, Cooking, Painting, Drawing, Snorkeling, Video Games, Anime, Manga, Books, Baking, Comics.
Favorite Food: Lasagna, Sashimi, Sushi, Dame Blanc, Apple Pie, Green Tea, Sacher Torte, and Pizza.
Favorite Colors: Red, Black and White
Favorite Flower: Roses, Lilies, Bellflowers, Magnolia, Camellia.
Favorite Gemstone: Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Sea Opal, Pearl, Celestine.

Dislikes: Bugs, spiders, being ignored by my friends, thunder/lightning, heights.
Least Favorite Food: Cucumber, Tomato Juice, Clamps and Crustaceans.
Least Favorite Colors: Brown, some shades of green, pink and purple
Least Favorite Flower: Hyacinth (I’m allergic as hell)
Least Favorite Gemstone: Spinel, Jasper.

Little known facts

  1. I have been named after the romantic classical ballet Giselle, ou Les Wilis and it’s title character Giselle. The ballet which first presented by the Ballet du Théâtre de l’Académie Royale de Musique at the Salle Le Peletier in Paris, France, on 28 June 1841. My parents chose Giselle in the end because I was born on 28th day of a month in my case February.
  2. I was an especially slow reader as a child and practiced a lot to read faster. For this reason I can now read faster then the average adult. I finished Harry Potter and Deadly Hallows within 6 hours, 36 minutes and 49 seconds.
  3. I prefer a action movie with over good ole ass kicking fights over a romantic comedy everyday.
  4. I the daughter of comic collector and my dad introduced me too Dutch and European comics at a young age. I discovered American comics at the age of six mostly through the batman and X-man cartoons. But I truly discovered manga as a preadolescent
  5. Not Diamonds but books are this girl’s best friends

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