
Title: Pyromania
Series: Naruto
Rated: T and MA (NC-17)
Genre: Romance/Angst/I don’t own Naruto, if I did I would’ve changed some outfits. As some (like Sasuke original Shippūden outfit) make me cringe.Drama
Status: Incomplete
Chapter(s): 1 of 2
Writing: Version II (13%)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto, if I did I would’ve changed some outfits. As some (like Sasuke original Shippūden outfit) make me cringe.
Warning(s): Version I contains mention of Arson and Pyromania.
Summary: If Sasuke was dangerous and unpredictable like like fire, did that mean Sakura-chan was a pyromaniac?

Pyromania was written for SasuSaku_month of 2011 and was beta-read like all my stories by the wonderful halfkyuubikat. One of my personal favorites, it will have a 2ed version due the fact I had sacrifice several plots in favor of finishing this story before my vacation, so look forward the Pyromania V2 in the future.


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