Drabbles, Scraps

Avatar’verse drabbles and scraps, little tidbits of ideas that wouldn’t let me go but don’t interest me enough to make a oneshot or story out of it

Title: Passion
Series: Avatar the Last Airbender
Rated: OT/M-15 (chapters that include Adult content will be marked with a M)
Genre: General, Drama, Romance, Family, Action
Status: Incomplete
Chapters: 1
Writing: Chapter I
Warning(s): This story contains incest between a brother and sister as well as mature themes such as violence, sex and adult language. Other themes which appear in this story are intoxication (in form of cactus juice), war, blood, character death and discrimination.
Summary: On that faithful day when Azula hid behind the curtain, she overheard her grandfather ordering her father to kill both her older brother and herself. Fearing for her own life she went to only person who might be able save her… her mother. After hearing her daughter’s tale, Ursa does the only thing she can think of to save her children’s lives. Fake their deaths and her own.
Comments: When Azula turned sixteen she married her brother.

❧ Passion

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