Welcome & Navigation

“I should like to be famous and unknown.”
– Edgar Degas –

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
– E.L. Doctorow –

Welcome to the new and improved version of the Mad Queen’s Archive formerly known as Kaleidoscope Dreams another one of my, that being mitsuki0tennyo’s fanfiction blogs in case you didn’t know and stumbled here upon accident. As the title indicates this an archive where you can find a collection of my all fanfiction in contrast to my livejournal and fanfiction.net accounts. If your a first time visitor make sure you read the ground rules, navigation and FAQ posts. You’ll find a complete list of my stories and their summaries here. If you know what you’re looking for be either a certain story or a fandom, just navigate using either the tabs located above or the ‘Archive’ section on the sidebar if you are on the home page.

This website contains material that is suitable for mature audience only! These posts and pages may contain material of a graphic nature that others may find offensive or explicit. If you are under the age of 18 and such writings are considered either illegal or offensive to you, well you have been warned so please thread carefully. I will not be held accountable for anyone who falls upon any of the material on this site.

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Let it Go

Aside of being in love with the Disney movie Frozen I’ve been working on my little fanfiction archive, which takes more time then I’d thought as real life is being a b****  still I’m cleaning up everything as well changing a lot. Which hopefully will be visible in the near future but for now it will only visible in my dash board.

Site! Construction Climax, Part II

All right but parts of the Main and Naruto sections of the site are up to date and easy to navigate now. I’ve been working hard to get those finished by the end of the week. So that next week the Mad Queen’s Archive will be fully operational.

I just realized this post title as well as that of it’s predecessor reminds me of an manga I once read titled Desire Climax by Ukyou Ayane… not sure why it has nothing to do with it. Oh well just to tell you guys the poll bellow is no April’s fool joke, just something I want to know as trouble with adult content part of chapter 15 of LLW, the normal part has been finished for a month or two. So if it ain’t too much trouble use the poll bellow and vote!!!

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Site! Construction Climax, Part I

Yare, yare I’ve reached the climax part of the archive’s construction all that is left is adding the id attribute links to all the pages and then I am done with making navigating as easy as possible. After that I will begin writing again, hopefully with a giant LLW post. Also check out Lineage’s Symphonies of War, it’s another music page. Also check out the newly finished Terminology, it will guide you through the terms used on the site.